Monday, May 12, 2008

the helping hand...

do u give alms to the poor?
i dont...

not to strong adults
not to kids

but i do buy food for old people or physically handicapped people.

there is this guy at adyar signal who is crippled... he begs in the signal when its stop sign.
today some small boy( who was in the bus) wanting to give some money to that person, threw the coins from the bus to the person which fell on the road. there is my car in between the bus and that crippled person.

that boys intentions are good, no doubt. but is that the way?

i felt bad for that crippled person.


Shiv said...

I dunno why..but i dun give alms to anyone except old ppl...athuvume correct eh nu theriala...instead of doin something like ths, i wud prefer to go to orphanages or old age homes...i am not sure if i can give an explanation as to why and all...anyways, the guy who tried to help mebbe dint realise that his deed kinda portrays himself to be a high-headed person (not sure wat wrd wud fit in here)

swas said...

Surprised! Look at this --->

Same day same subject! Amazing!

cm chap said...

True... But do u thnk we can judge abt others in these kind of matters.

I always thought why these kids askg for alms... but when I saw a documentary of How Beggars are Created (India based doc) I was shocked. yeah belive me many of them r created.

I prefer to do somethg for the kids who live n Orphan and have a passion in life. One reason I try to stop givg alms is not to encourage the "Beggar Creators"

Absconding said...

Did the kid do something wrong?

When most people look the other way when they see beggars, the kid did a noble thing. Did he mean to help the guy? Most certainly. Did he mean to play a cruel game with the beggar? Highly doubt it.

The boy's actions shouldn't be judged because his intentions were good and he did the 'right' thing. Even though he DID do the right thing, SOMETHING was inhibiting that help from getting to the beggar. Now THAT is life! You help.. but your offerings do not end up where they need to be.. because of that middle person! :D

For example..when the Tsunami hit.. millions and millions of rupees flew into Kerala...but it never reached those who were in need of it..WHY? Because politicians jacked it..the 'middle people' 'consumed it'!

Now you tell me...did the boy do something wrong?

I say no!!

Circumstances should be blamed..not the boy! :D Hey..I'm sure that there were people who saw that happening..did ANYONE pick up the coins and handed them to the beggar?
Those people should be blamed as well..yeah? Well..they MUST be blamed!!

dakaltiz said...

Romba naal aprom inge varen...
mmm... well I wud appreciate the boy for the fact that he atleast thot he shud help that person...raz...chinna payyan ...enne help pannanum ra aarvathula pannirupaan..moreover u've mentioned that he was sitting in a bus....

N.V.Prashanth said...

I do not offer alms to ANYONE. I will not in my life time, for that is not the solution!

Raz said...

@all : yes. the kid was right but i still feel bad.